Electronic Arts has been taking a lot of heat lately, mostly over the recent SimCity fiasco that left many gamers unable to play the game, which led the company to the semi-final round of The Consumerist‘s “Worst Company in America” poll. However, EA isn’t taking all of its criticism lying down. Chief Operating Officer Peter Moore has addressed the poll and says that the company “can do better.”
Moore says that EA has made plenty of mistakes in the past, all of which are “100% legitimate.” However, he says that there are a few pieces of criticism that EA won’t let stand, including the claim that EA’s always-on internet connection feature is a DRM scheme, which Moore says “it’s not.” He also notes that free-to-play games are the preference with most gamers.
Moore also compares EA to popular sports teams, like the “Yankees, Lakers and Manchester United,” saying that “EA is one of those organizations that is defined by both a legacy of success, and a legion of critics.” In other words, with great power (and success), comes great responsibility, and EA certainly knows that.
Moore finishes up by saying that EA “is committed” to fixing their mistakes, and that the company “will do better.” With EA CEO John Riccitiello stepping down, will EA make some big changes to win the hearts over of gamers everywhere? It’s certainly possible, and Moore’s words seem promising that EA is dedicated to providing a better future for both them and the people who play their games.
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