Saturday, June 29, 2013

What If Your WordPress Blog Gets Hacked? [Infographic]

WordPress platform has experienced some wide-spread hacker attacks recently. They have been targeting mainly blogs and websites with default "admin" login name.
Wordpress can be very easily used, thus people tend to forget about the security issues. Most people have no idea about hacks and why they're dangerous. In fact, WordPress has many different loopholes that attract different hackers who are ready to take down your blog at any time.

Here are some of the tips to keep in mind:
Always keep your WordPress updated.
Change default "admin" login username to something more complex.
Use extremely strong passwords with some uncommon symbols like }\]©@$.
Use two factor authentication.
Keep your plugins and themes updated.
Backup your entire WordPress blog/site twice in a year, or better yet - once a month.

Infographic by StartBloggingOnline.comFollow InfotechArena on Twitter @InfotechArena and Facebook

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