Thursday, June 20, 2013

5 Proven Strategies That Will Drive Traffic to Your Blog

For all of my fellow bloggers out there in the blogosphere and the wee ones who are just getting started (I'm just a wee toddler at this but growing faster than ever), how would you like to drive traffic to your blog like the experts? If so, then this article is for you.

I'm sure all of you have dreamed of attracting a thousand, five thousand, ten thousand, even up to one hundred thousand visitors to your blog each month. I know I have. Imagine what that would mean for your bottom line to drive traffic to your blog in those numbers.

Well, fellow bloggers, I'm here to tell you it can be done. Now, I don't want to mislead anyone reading this article. I have not even reached the 1,000 visitors per day mark yet, but I began my blog in March of this year. My point here is that it takes time to drive traffic to your blog, patience, and some creative thinking. In fact, since I have been using the 5 strategies below, the traffic to my blog has exploded by 300%!

At this rate, I will reach my goal of 1,000 visitors per day within the next six weeks. What's more, you can do the same. The key is to follow proven techniques that the experts have used to attract large amounts of visitors to their blogs each month. These are 5 strategies that I have used personally to increase my visits by 300% within the past two weeks. My hope is that they will drive traffic to your blog as well.

5 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

1. Focus on Two or Three Topics or Categories for Your Blog

One mistake new bloggers make when beginning a new blog is that they are too broad. They decide to write blog posts on anything and everything, from their favorite recipes to their latest vacation. This is okay to do because it gets content published on the web. But the problem is that your blog will not be recognized as a blog of authority. It will be looked at by the search engines and visitors as more of a novelty blog with no real purpose.

If you like to cook, your blog should focus on recipes and ways to cook. If you like sports, your blog should focus on sports stories and other sports' related content. You get my drift.

You will need to identify two to three niche categories that your blog can fall into, which then fits into one overall niche, which - in turn - will then drive traffic to your blog. For the example, if you want your blog to be sports focused, then your categories could be football, basketball, and baseball.

2. Learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Write Quality SEO Posts

Once you've identified your specific niche and two or three categories for your blog, the next step is to learn how to optimize your blog and posts for Search Engine Optimization or SEO. Search engines, like Google, work on mathematical algorithms (little artificial intelligent bugs called web crawlers. Sounds like The Matrix, right?). Anyway, these bugs are sent out to your website by the search engines. They crawl over your content, scanning for important pieces of information, such as keywords or phrases, images containing the keywords, word counts, appropriate titles, and more. The more these little bugs like your content the better your content will rank in the search engines.

There are courses all over the internet that will teach you how to create content for SEO and teach you how to drive traffic to your blog. It is important to do your research. The Internet is full of information on SEO.

3.Write Content That Will Compel Your Visitors to Read Your Posts and Maybe Even Interact a Bit

The third strategy to drive traffic to your blog is to write content with a purpose that will compel your visitors to read your posts. Studies have shown that you have about 6 seconds to capture a reader's attention. Therefore, your first sentence needs to hit home to the reader. If you use this article as an example, you noticed that my first sentence is focused on bloggers, so I speak to them personally. I also tried to add a little humor (don't know if it worked though).

Your content should fit a specific audience. In this case, I focused my content for bloggers and bloggers who are searching for ways to drive traffic to their blogs. It also provides value for this target audience because they can then use these strategies and apply them on their own blogs. In addition, try to get your readers to interact with your content in the comments section of your posts.

4. Use Social Media to Syndicate Your Blog Posts

Strategies 1 through 3 are great ways to get the attention of the search engines and drive traffic to your blog in the long term. But then you are left waiting for visitors on the search engines' timelines, typically from 3 to 8 weeks. It won't do you any good to write content and then not tell anyone about it. This is where social media syndication comes in.

Whenever you write a post, I highly recommend that you send your content on the majore social media outlets, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. This gets your post published on the social media sites, as well. From there, encourage your friends or followers to share, like, or comment on these posts. The more Likes, Google+'s, shares, and retweets you get, the more the search engines will recognize your content. Plus, you get back links to your blog, which increases your authority.

You can also use paid services like to social syndicate your posts. I use Fiverr every once in a while, but I try not to go overboard.

5. Rewrite Your Posts and Submit Them to Article Based Websites

The fifth technique to drive traffic to your blog is to then rewrite your articles and submit them to article based websites, such as,,,, and These websites contain a smorgasbord of articles written on thousands of different types of topics. In fact, these article databases are searched by thousands, if not, hundreds of thousands of visitors per day. From these articles, you can post your the link of your site in the resource box to drive traffic to your blog.

Additionally, becoming an author on these article websites promotes your authority in a certain niche or category. One thing you must remember, however, is that there are certain criteria your articles must meet in order to be published. Don't just copy and paste your post into their article submission boxes. Be sure to read their rules and criteria before you publish.
Follow These Strategies and Drive Traffic to Your Blog
In conclusion, writing one or two blog posts a month will not drive traffic to your blog. You need to be stay consistent and blog every day, maybe every other day, for 90 to 180 days for your blog to start generating the kind of traffic you wish to see each month. Following the five tips above will not guarantee your success, but they will help you learn and grow into the blogger you want to become.

Best of luck to all of you!

Until Next Time - Invest in Yourself, Increase Your Abundance, and Help Others!
Written by Shaun Messick
You can visit his website: 3 Steps to Success

Follow InfotechArena on Twitter @InfotechArena and Facebook

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