Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Nigeria Invests $1 Billion In New ICT Incubation Centres

VENTURES AFRICA – The Nigerian government has made available $1 billion for the construction of incubation centres throughout the country to stimulate growth in local software content. Late on Monday, Business Day Nigeria reported that two of the centres at Yaba in Lagos and Tinapa in Calabar will be unveiled this week.

Nigeria’s multi-billion software industry, mostly controlled by external companies, is likely to see growth in home content.

This could be in the next 12 months when the centres come into operation.

Business Day Nigeria quoted Omobola Johnson, the minister of communications technology, as saying the over-arching objective of these incubation centres would be to create 25 successful information communication technology (ICT) firms by 2015.

“The focus of the ministry between now and 2015 is to drive local content and skills development to create employment and sustain the industry,” Johnson told Business Day in Lagos at an industry conference.

“We also want to increase the contributions of the ICT industry to Nigeria’s gross domestic product (GDP). To achieve this objective, we would focus on software, mobile apps development, ICT entrepreneurship, and innovation.”

Analysts said software and mobile applications growth had developed into an attention zone for the Nigerian government. This is because of Nigeria’s earnest pursuit for another revenue stream to oil and gas.

Statistics have revealed that the value of India’s software exports outstrips $50 billion per year. The Nigerian government is poised to repeat the same feat in Nigeria. Nigeria has more than 170 million people, which means it has abundant human capital.

Business Day Nigeria reported that industry observers have all expressed interest in these centres.

They will help nurture and develop software entrepreneurs who will in turn build successful businesses, according to Business Day.

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